Marabou Stork. The Pink Fairy Armadillo is the cutest and smallest species of armadillo. 4. It only weighs a pound or less, and it basically lives the life of a mole. The text and taxonomy of the Venezuelan Poodle Moth . A Venezuelan poodle moth is mystifying researchers, baffling the internet, and confusing everyone at a first casual glance. Unlike a poodle, however, it has wings and is attracted to your porch light, just like any other moth. Don’t get fooled by its fluffy looks because it is still an insect. He called it as “Poodle moth (Artace sp, perhaps A. cribaria)“, Poodle being a breed of cute and fluffy formal dog. [ citation needed ] Dr. Anker took a total of 75 photos of the extraordinary species, yet only a few are available to view. This seemingly new species of moth, with the features of a bird, dog and moth has in fact baffled the scientists as well. Sharks should have two eyes. Higher Classification: Artace Rank: Species” Nope. Nope. The insect, seemingly a blend of a large moth and a bright, fluffy white poodle, was discovered in 2009 and may be a new species. Venezuelan Poodle Moth. Nope. It only weighs a pound or less, and it basically lives the life of a mole. Goliath Tigerfish. Wikipedia. 3. It might look like a soft toy but we wouldn’t want to cuddle up to it. The little critter has now been compared to everything from a furby, gargoyle to a Pokemon character. A new insect hybrid creature found in Venezuela, the poodle moth species is causing an internet buzz around the web. The Venezuelan Poodle Moth – the hip new thing in the bug world. The Venezuelan Poodle Moth is a newly discovered species that looks both as a moth and a poodle. One key distinguishing feature of moths when compared to butterflies is their vertical positioning of their wings (most species). 5. The Pink Fairy Armadillo is the cutest and smallest species of armadillo. A moth that looks like a poodle! Cyclops Shark. 2. Venezuelan poodle moth image from Dr. Arthur Anker's Flickrfeed The name derives from a comparison of its physical appearance to a cross between a moth and a poodle. Dr. Arthur Anker photographed it in the Gran Sabana region, Venezuela. Beyond the available picture, there is not much else known about the species currently. They reach adulthood through the process of metamorphosis as do butterflies. Venezuelan Poodle Moth. Some have described this moth as closely resembling a real-life fairy. Discovered in Venezuela just a few years ago, in 2009, this large moth is covered with hair that makes it resemble a poodle. The Venezuelan Poodle Moth is a newly discovered species that looks both as a moth and a poodle. But seriously, who wouldn't want to cuddle this sucker, am I right? 1. Don’t get fooled by its fluffy looks because it is still an insect. However, the images are not sufficient to determine whether it is a new species. No prizes for guessing where this little frog get its names from. The general consensus seems to be that this is the cutest moth ever, and we wholeheartedly agree. Them teeth. Moths, like their butterfly counterparts, are born from eggs laid near food sources and initially exist as caterpillars. Pinocchio Frog. A Poodle Moth. That is all. The text blurb accompanying this extraordinary range of images reads: “The Venezuelan Poodle Moth is a possible new species of moth discovered in 2009 by Dr Arthur Anker of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan in the Gran Sabana region of Venezuela. While exploring marine biology and the regional wildlife of Venezuela, Dr Arthur Anker discovered this adorable looking species of moth which is now being called the poodle moth as its popularity is Shuker adds that the Poodle Moth actually looks like it could be related to these things called "muslin moths." The Saiga Antelope is an endangered species that stands out because of.. The moth is suspected of being a new moth species.